Once Upon a Time,

In the dim glow of Gotham City, the Bat-Signal lit up the sky, illuminating the swirling fog and casting a beacon of hope over the sprawling metropolis. But tonight, it wasn’t signaling danger or distress. It was summoning some rather unexpected guests: The Muni Kids with an unusual knack for playing the sport of golf in the most unconventional locations. They were Maxton Reinland (@munimax), Drew Reinland (@drew.muni) , and the Best Street Golfer in the World, Eric Dahl (@neighborhoodacademy)

Word had reached Bruce Wayne about their incredible urban golf escapades, and it intrigued him. He admired their skill, creativity, and fearlessness in the streets. Besides, Gotham could use a bit of fun, and he figured the trio would appreciate the city’s dark charm. Thus, the invitation went out to them: “Gotham City invites you to the most challenging game of urban golf you’ll ever play, with Batman as your host.”

The gang met up at Wayne Tower, where they were greeted by a butler named Alfred. After an exchange of introductions, Alfred handed each of them a custom-made golf club, complete with a sleek Bat-logo engraved on beautiful gold 7irons. “Master Wayne sends his regards,” Alfred said, smiling warmly. “Your host will meet you shortly. Please follow me.”


Batman Pop Art


The group was led through the maze-like corridors of Wayne Tower and, eventually, to a hidden elevator that took them down to a secret garage. There, they found Batman himself waiting next to the Batmobile. He didn’t waste time on small talk. Instead, he nodded in greeting and motioned for them to get in…

“So, this is the famous Gangsome from Portland: Max, Drew, and Eric. I’ve been hearing a lot about you three,” Batman said as they roared through the underground tunnels leading to the streets of Gotham.

The three golfers, initially starstruck, quickly loosened up after Batman lit the blunt and passed it to Max…“Yeah, we’re here to bring the game to the places it’s never been before. It’s all about pushing boundaries and cutting costs so you can actually grow the game and give everyone access,” said Max.

Batman smirked beneath his cowl. “You’re going to find plenty of boundaries here in Gotham. I hope you’re ready for a challenge.”

They arrived at their first location: the rooftop of Gotham National Bank. Batman explained the course: the objective was to get the ball from the rooftop down to the alley behind the building, using only five strokes. There were obstacles everywhere—neon signs, fire escapes, and the constant threat of Gotham’s infamous thugs lurking in the shadows.

Max took the first shot, using a wedge to lift the ball over a row of neon signs. It landed with a soft clink on the adjacent rooftop. Drew followed, bouncing the ball off a fire escape railing to bring it closer to the edge. Finally, E, the greatest urban golfer of them all, hit a perfectly shaped shot that dropped the ball straight down into the alleyway, perfectly calculated to roll right up to the makeshift hole: an old metal can.

“Impressive! Y’all really do this” Batman said, nodding with approval. But his compliment was cut short by a familiar, maniacal laugh echoing through the alleyways.

It was the Joker.


The Joker Pop Art


“I heard Gotham’s newest sports stars were in town! Well, well, I couldn’t resist coming out to play!” The Joker was standing on a rooftop across the street, holding a set of neon-green golf clubs that matched his suit.

The golfers reached for their straps, and Batman immediately sprang into action, grappling up to confront his old nemesis. But the Joker simply cackled and vanished into the darkness, leaving behind a trail of Joker cards that fluttered down like sinister confetti.

The game resumed, but the Joker’s interference had only just begun.

The second hole took them to Crime Alley, a place Batman rarely visited by choice. This time, the hole was set on top of an abandoned taxi, and they had to navigate around rusted dumpsters, potholes, and graffiti-covered walls.

Drew stepped up, taking a deep breath. He swung, but as soon as the ball sailed through the air, the Joker appeared again, this time holding a remote control. With a press of a button, a mechanical jack-in-the-box popped out from behind a dumpster, intercepting the ball mid-air and sending it bouncing down the street in the wrong direction.

“Looks like you missed!” the Joker taunted from somewhere above them. “Better luck next time, Drew Muni!”

Batman was furious but held back. He knew that chasing the Joker would only add to the chaos. “Ignore him,” he said, his voice steady. “We’ll play through, no matter what he does.”

E took the next shot, aiming carefully to avoid any of the Joker’s traps. He managed to land the ball perfectly on the taxi’s roof, scoring an impressive eagle. But even as he celebrated, the Joker’s laugh echoed around them again.

“Oh, you think you’re clever, don’t you? Well, let’s see how you handle this!” The Joker pressed another button, and the alleyway filled with clouds of noxious green smoke. Batman quickly activated a small device on his belt, dispersing the gas while they Gangsome took deep breathes inhaling the rest of it into their lungs. Batman looked on amazed and happy to learn there isn’t any pack the boys can’t smoke! They pressed on, stoned and determined not to let the Joker ruin their round.

The game continued through various parts of Gotham: the rooftops of the Narrows, the docks by Gotham Harbor, and even the infamous Arkham Asylum grounds. At each hole, the Joker threw a new obstacle at them. He set up fake traps, fired confetti cannons, and even sent his goons to distract them. But the Gangsome were undeterred. With Batman’s guidance, they adapted to each challenge, their skills and creativity shining through as they navigated Gotham’s gritty streets.

Finally, they reached the final hole, set in the heart of Wayne Tower’s rooftop garden. By now, the Joker was getting desperate. He had set up a giant, inflatable clown that loomed over the green, its arms flailing wildly. Drew took a deep breath, lining up his shot. He swung hard, and the ball soared, passing right between the inflatable clown’s arms and landing neatly in the hole.

“Nice shot, Drew Muni!,” Batman said, with a rare smile breaking through his stoic demeanor. But no sooner had the ball landed than the Joker appeared one last time, looking defeated but still defiant.

“You think you’ve won? This city will always be mine to torment!” the Joker spat, but his bravado was gone. Batman, with a swift and precise movement, tossed a 7 iron that windmilled through the ropes holding the inflatable clown, sending it deflating into a sad heap.

“You’ve had your fun, Joker,” Batman said, his voice firm. “But these guys showed you what real sportsmanship looks like.”

The Joker scowled, then disappeared into the shadows, his laughter fading into the night. The golfers exchanged relieved glances, then turned to Batman, who nodded approvingly.

As the night wound down, Batman escorted them back to Wayne Tower. There, Alfred greeted them with warm towels and a round of drinks to enjoy with their post round blunt.

“You’ve proven yourselves tonight,” Batman said. “Gotham is a tough course, and you managed to play through every obstacle. Joker may have tried to ruin it, but you didn’t let him get to you.”

Max grinned, wiping sweat from his brow. “Gotham’s a challenge, but it was worth every shot. Thanks for the invite, Batman.”

Drew and E echoed his sentiments, and as they left, they knew they’d never forget their night in Gotham City. It wasn’t every day you got to play a round of golf in the dark heart of Gotham, under the watchful eye of the Dark Knight himself.

As they walked away, they could still hear the Joker’s distant laughter, echoing through the night. But tonight, it was the Muni Kids who had the last laugh.

The End.

This story either inspired or was inspired by our Gotham City Muni Pack that is now available! We'll let your imagination decide...

Red Knight Golf Headcovers (Limited Edition)

Red Knight Golf Headcovers (Limited Edition) Batman
Jester Golf Headcovers (Limited Edition) The Joker
Poison Golf Headcovers (Limited Edition) Poison Ivy
Either way... Just always remember to never lose sight of your youth!


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