Growing up in the 1990s, my brother and I were obsessed with Batman. Every afternoon after school, if we weren’t golfing, we’d rush home, drop our backpacks at the door, and flip on the TV to catch Batman: The Animated Series. There was something about the way Batman carried himself that captured our imaginations—his stoicism, his focus, his unwavering sense of justice. He wasn’t the loud, flashy superhero like Superman or Spider-Man. Batman was cerebral. He was methodical. And for two boys growing up in a quiet suburban town, we took those traits to heart, especially when it came to our favorite sport: golf.
Golf was something we stumbled into during the our childhood in the 1990s, not something we were necessarily born into. Our parents weren’t country club members, although our Dad was a great competitor and definitely hold his own around the local muni. But one summer when we were around 6 and 10, respectively, we wandered over to a local golf course with pops, and something clicked. We were hooked from that moment. Just like with Batman, the sport of golf appealed to us because of its precision and mental challenge. It wasn’t about brute strength; it was about focus and control.
In many ways, Batman was the perfect role model for young golfers like us. He was all about discipline. No superpowers, no shortcuts—just hard work and preparation. From the Batcave to the streets of Gotham, Batman was always ready for any challenge because he had trained for it. And that’s how we started approaching golf.
Our first set of clubs were a mismatched collection of hand-me-downs. But it didn’t matter. We treated those clubs like they were gadgets from Batman’s utility belt. If Batman could use his mind to outsmart villains with gadgets he built himself, we could outplay golfers who had better gear by mastering our swings and strategies. We’d head to the local muni almost every day during the summer, playing endless rounds of golf utilizing our season passes we earned through picking the range and doing other odd jobs around the course. It wasn’t glamorous, but it kinda was to us, and it was where we laid the foundation for our competitive golf careers.
We’d often compare golf scenarios to situations Batman faced in the show. Take, for instance, Batman’s battle against the Riddler. The Riddler would lay out puzzles and traps, forcing Batman to think several steps ahead to avoid falling into danger. On the golf course, we learned to think like that. Every hole was a puzzle, and every shot was a piece of the solution. The fairway might narrow at a certain distance, or a sand trap might wait on the left side of the green. Instead of blindly swinging, we learned to visualize the course layout and approach each shot with precision.
One of the biggest lessons we drew from Batman was the importance of patience and not rushing into things. In golf, just like in Gotham, mistakes happen when you act too quickly or emotionally. There was an episode where Batman faces off against Mr. Freeze, a villain driven by emotion and revenge. Batman, however, remains calm and methodical, thinking through every action before making his move. My brother and I applied that lesson when we encountered tough situations on the golf course. If we hit a bad shot, we wouldn’t let frustration get the better of us. Instead, we’d take a deep breath, assess the situation, and calmly figure out how to recover. It didn’t matter how bad a shot was; there was always a way to come back, much like how Batman always found a way to outsmart even his toughest enemies.
By the time we reached high school, our dedication to the game was beginning to pay off. We started winning all the local tournaments, slowly climbing up the ranks. Our swings had improved, and so had our mental game. Other kids might get rattled after a bogey or a missed putt, but we’d keep our cool, staying focused on the next shot. I remember one tournament in particular where I was two strokes down with three holes to play. The pressure was on, but I channeled my inner Batman, staying calm and collected. I didn’t panic; I trusted my training, much like how Batman trusted his instincts in a fight. I ended up sinking two birdies and an eagle on the final hole to win the tournament.
My brother, meanwhile, had a knack for out-strategizing his opponents. Just like Batman could anticipate the Joker’s next move, my brother could predict how his competitors would play a hole and adjust his game plan accordingly. He’d study the course, analyze the conditions, and figure out where he could take calculated risks. It wasn’t always about hitting the longest drive; sometimes, it was about laying up and positioning himself for the perfect approach shot. That kind of thinking made him a formidable competitor, and by the time he was in his late teens, he was winning tournaments left and right.
As we grew older and our golf games matured, we never lost sight of those lessons from Batman. Discipline, patience, and strategy had become second nature to us, not just in golf but in life. Whether it was preparing for a big exam, navigating a tough situation at work, or dealing with personal challenges, we always reverted to that Batman mindset. When the pressure was on, we wouldn’t crumble; we’d rise to the occasion.
Looking back, it’s funny to think about how a cartoon shaped so much of who we became as golfers and as people. Batman was more than just a superhero to us—he was a blueprint for how to approach life’s challenges. We may not have been fighting crime in Gotham City, but out there on the golf course, we were constantly battling our own villains: doubt, frustration, and fear. And thanks to the lessons we learned from Batman, we became stronger, smarter, and more disciplined, both in golf and in life.
Now, when we play together as adults, we still reminisce about those summer days when we first fell in love with the game. We joke about how we used to imagine ourselves as Batman, stalking the fairways with the same intensity that he stalked the streets of Gotham. But deep down, we know that those childhood fantasies helped shape us into the golfers—and the people—we are today.
Yours Truly and Bogey Free,
- @munimax
Over the years the biggest blessing that the Muni Kids Brand has brought into my life is the opportunity to wake up every morning and creatively get after it with brother Drew. You always hear people in family business situations talk about the challenges of working in that environment but don't let em fool you, that's all cap. Whatever challenges it may bring, it provides benefits that no other situation could ever produce and that's just facts at the end of the day. I would never be where I'm at without Drew and I think he'd say he feels the same way vice versa when reflecting on it from his point of view. My brother inspires me everyday and this mission we're on together is just getting started. I could go on and on for hours but I just wanted to give my boy some flowers because he deserves it. Hope you already are or take the opportunity to chase your dreams like we do everyday!
Many of you know what an incredible artist Drew is...
Please check out and support the art he is doing outside of Muni Kids at his recently launched art website, planetgoddamnstudio.com
Also follow is his instagram at art page... CLICK HERE
Yours Truly and Bogey Free,
- @munimax
With the news that Tiger and Nike are calling it quits after a 27 year relationship we have been watching the internet lose it's mind with speculation of why it happened and what's next for the Big Cat. Since everyone has been putting their shot up... We thought we'd put ours up as well. Tiger, we have a roster spot for you being Lando's sidekick. Being apart of the Muni Kids game would elevate you and your game in more ways than one if you catch my drift. So Tiger, if you're reading this please keep your boys in the considerations because our Sunday Smoke Circle is tight and full of real ones... Not to mention are Golf Jersey Kits are gonna go off this season with or without you!
Yours Truly and Bogey Free,
- @munimax
As we are a few days into a fresh year, I woke up this morning with the thought... What happened to the LIV / PGA TOUR merger? I get the whole thing is about money and business, but damn I thought they would have figured out an agreement by the original deadline to save the sport of golf. It's a sad thought that it will be another year where we only get to see the best players in the world 3-4 times on the same course together. As most of us probably wish, I wish someone would come out and actually explain why this is happening. I said business is business but for the life of me I can't understand how trash tv ratings and lack of interest because of a lack of strength in the week to week fields is good business for professional golf in a time that golf is blossoming and the number of people interested in golf is skyrocketing. It makes zero sense and kinda sad for the sport. Let everyone play and make money however they want. Golf would be more compelling than ever if the best players in the world were competing in both formats. Professional golf would be at all time high if you ask me... But then again no one is asking haha! I'll just keep hoping that it ends that way in the end.
Yours Truly and Bogey Free,
- @munimax
What are your New Year Resolutions this year? Every year I say I'm going to play more golf and honestly each year since we opened up shop in Portland I can honestly say I have. If you've been following along with my monologue over the years than you've heard me talk about transitioning from a competitive college and professional golfer into a much more casual version of that, just squeezing in rounds when I can. 2023 was a good year in that I never felt any personal frustration from the idea of never being "as good as I once was" being that it's not possible when you aren't practicing 8 hours day lol. I took more pleasure in my great shots and laughed off some of the ones I'm not accustomed to hitting. This year though my New Year Resolution is continuing that relationship with golf but I need to feel the blood pumping through my veins the way only competitive golf can make it. In 2024 I'm making to the commitment to myself to go and enjoy individual competition again. I don't know what tournament or tournaments it will be yet but I'm committed. I'll keep y'all updated when I know more but I needed to put my New Year Golf Resolution out there! I hope whatever yours is, you chase it down in 2024!
Yours Truly and Bogey Free,
- @munimax
You know we take our hip hop music serious at Muni Kids and low key that might even be the connecting force that makes you identify as a Muni Kid or with our brand. The Game blessed at the turn of the new year with a new mixtape called "Paisley Dreams" in collaboration with Big Hit. The Game said he pulled up after Christmas to make a song with Big Hit and they ended up making the whole 9-song tape in one evening! Some of my favorite albums and mixtapes come from situations like this where creativity just takes control of time and can't be stopped. All 9 songs are true hip hop and perfect for cruising around or a turn up for an emergency nine holes at your local muni. Check the links below for both Apple Music and Spotify links!
Yours Truly and Bogey Free,
- @munimax
Have you ever woke up on the first day of the year hoping for a renewed sense of passion and higher focus on achieving the goals of whatever turns your cranks? I started feeling this renewed sense about 2-3 months ago during the backside of 2023. I love that this came early for me and our whole team. That is probably one of the biggest blessing that a roller coaster 2023 brought me! I’ve never been more hungry as a creative to showcase and build the next chapter of our brand. I love it even more and have more to say to and express ever this upcoming year. 2024 is gonna be a turn up! So much was learned this past year from both positivity and negativity. Some years can just be like that and when you come through the other side more polished than ever… A sense of peace can take over in your mind and body. I want to thank everyone who made 2023 a uniquely special year and supported our hustle and put on for your boys! That’s love. 2024 is an empty chapter in all our books… What are you gonna write in yours?
Happy New Year!
Yours Truly and Bogey Free,
- @munimax
It’s Masters week… Aka one of the best weeks of the year historically, especially if you’re a golfer. As we are a now basically a full year into the whole PGA Tour vs. LIV Golf situation, it’s getting tiring hearing everyone give their two cents on it. Some of my favorite golfers of all-time are taking hard stances on the situation and not letting go. I watched Live From The Masters all day yesterday and it was tiring listening to the media continually bring up the situation and coaxing players to speak out against the opposite Tour that they are on. We got Rory and Tiger cutting their old friends off for switching tours. We got Freddy (Who is literally one of favorite golfers of all-time that I’ve had the honor of having lunch with twice and have a lot of respect for) talking out of pocket at Champions Tour events and now all throughout the Masters. As someone who takes pride in being a part of actually growing the game golf through our brand, it’s irritating to watch the highest level of ambassadors of the sport fight amongst each other and shame on the media for promoting it. We are in the greatest time ever in our sport if you ask me with all the people from different walks of life coming into and falling in love with the game of golf. Who cares if your friend took a different job that better suits their life? They are still playing golf at one of the highest levels in the world and still have their platforms to speak with positivity and love for the game as a whole. No matter if you are on the PGA Tour or just playing the local muni on a Saturday with your homies, the only thing golf needs from you is to be yourself and share it with others. Sorry for the rant but this PGA Tour vs. LIV war is getting old and everyone talking shit to the media is not making the game seem more fun. I don’t care who plays on what tour… I just want to see my heroes play in some facet and use their platforms for good. SPREAD THE GOLF LOVE.
- @munimax
Every week the DM’s fill up in our inbox with questions about Urban Golf and how the meetups work. It’s human nature to want to know what you’re getting yourself into so I totally get it.
This past week was a tough one for me personally, full of problems without any immediate solutions. Testing both my physical and mental health, I was tired and just flat out didn’t feel myself. As Thursday came up fast and not having the ability to spend much time in the office at the Neighborhood Golf Shop, the week really lacked promotion and communication for the meetup. Not knowing who was gonna show up or if it was gonna be busy in general or not, I just went with the flow. We were blessed with some unreal weather that night for March in Portland, OR. The little bit of sunshine we’ve all been craving, brought out a good chunk of the Neighborhood Golf Shop fam and some new faces out for the night. As all the new and old homies started to pull up, all my worries and stress lifted for the night. The meetups just are a vibe… There’s no other way to describe it! All the smiles and laughs. All the great shots and terrible ones we won’t let each other forget. It’s important memories and stories that we’ll carry with all of us for the rest of our lives. Anyone who has spent anytime in Portland since the pandemic knows how hard the city is struggling and it’s not the easiest place to live right now. It’s tough to find positivity or see beauty in what’s going on here… But every Thursday the neighborhood transforms into a place of both positivity and beauty. As I walked down 2nd Street this past week I started filming the group and couldn’t get myself to stop filming.
To get back to the initial point about the curiosity of how the events work or what the structure is… This film is 8 minutes with no cuts or highlights. 8 minutes of what exactly the meetups are all about.
We all need some positivity, beauty, and most importantly solid homies/friendships in our lives to pick us up when the world feels heavy. Come get some swings in with us on a Thursday from 6pm-9pm sometime. It might be just what you’re looking for…
- @munimax
Here’s to the crazy ones.
The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes...
The ones who see things differently.
They’re not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can’t do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.
- Steve Jobs


This photo is from the first day we got the keys to the @neighborhoodgolfshop and we’re able to unlock as our own for the first time. We were seeing our dreams start to unfold.
Fast forward now as we start year 5… It’s amazing to think of all we accomplished while constantly fine tuning what works for our space while navigating a global pandemic. As we roll into the new year we couldn’t be more pumped to present the new look of the Neighborhood Golf Shop to all of y’all! The new 360 degree mural by our very own @drew.muni is a masterpiece and gives the shop a whole new breathe of life.
Starting next week on Monday we will be back to running daily hours throughout the week. When you come through you can expect to see our latest collections, never released headcovers, dope tees, art, and accessories. Also we have been curating selection of vintage clothing, collectibles, memorabilia, and used golf equipment that is available in store. We also stock select pieces from some our very favorite brands such as:
This weekend we’ll post the hours for next week online and on instagram. Come make some memories and spread the golf love with us this year in the neighborhood! 🏁
w/ love for the game,
- @munimax
Lead with Love.
Protect your Peace.
Appreciate your Surroundings.
- @munimax
It’s the one thing in this world wanted or unwanted, it’s unavoidable.
We evolve individually as human beings constantly.
Sports also evolve. The biggest news in the golf world is what’s going on between the PGA Tour and LIV Golf. Whether you like it or not, in that world of golf, the game is evolving.
Let me now tap you in with some thoughts about Urban Golf and what it means to me. I grew up playing golf competitively as a junior, played D1 college golf, and made a run at playing professionally in my early 20’s. Although I have a traditional golf resume, a lot of trauma came from never fitting into that world… Some of that was self inflicted by refusing to conform, but at the end of the day, it just wasn’t something I could get behind. I love golf more than almost anyone I know but because of these trauma’s I stepped away from what my golf life looked liked and spent a long time lost on where my place in the game would be. In this time I started Muni Kids and decided I would attack the exclusive uppity culture that I couldn’t stand. It was hard at first, a lot of people had a hard time with Muni Kids in the beginning because it was before this new boom and culture in golf. I take great pride in Muni Kids being one of the OG brands that contributed to disturbing the traditional culture. Where the evolution conversation comes into play is… I never would ever imagined being who I am today when it all started. The mission has evolved. I have evolved. I can hardly recognize the person I was 5 years ago, 10 years ago, or growing up. I personally battle the emotions of that with feeling sad at times and also great pride at other times of how far I’ve come. When we moved out to Portland and decided to go all in on the Neighborhood Golf Shop, we had no idea what we had with the concept of Urban Golf. I don’t want to sound corny and say urban golf saved my life or some shit like that, but in a time in my life that I’ve battled bouts of depression, it’s brought so much positivity and evolved my view on golf. I know some of you may look at Urban Golf as a gimmick or some shit but it’s so much more than that. The group that gets together every Thursday truly are a family. Whether it’s your 1st time or your 50th time, you are apart of a support system that has your back in golf but more importantly have your back in life. I met the love of my life at Urban Golf. Some of the best friend relationships I have in my life were built right out in the neighborhood hitting foam golf balls off the concrete. I get to share the game with people for FREE with my brother, which I am forever grateful for. You always hear the comparisons of golf to life and for the first time because of Urban Golf, I get it. Golf is therapy and for a person who grew up digging it out of the actual dirt… It hadn’t been for me because of how seriously I took it. So if you think this Urban Golf thing is a gimmick, it’s not. It’s my version of golf therapy and it’s FREE and inclusive to all people, it doesn’t matter who you are. You could live in a mansion or live in a tent under the bridge, you have access to golf and the happiness it can bring as well the support system and friendships that come from sharing a round together every Thursday. Doesn’t matter your skin color or gender, it’s built for everyone to enjoy and benefit from. Golf is evolving and I’m proud that Urban Golf is a part of that. I’m also thankful that it has played a part in my personal evolution and relationship with golf and I’m forever grateful for all the great friendships that have been forged because of it. It’s one the best things I’ve ever been a part of.
Today my G, Kyle (Owner of Calamari Airlines) sent me this pic he flicked of myself and Veronica ❤️🔥
If a picture is worth a thousand words…
This picture is very telling of where things are at right now. So often we overlook the many blessings we have in life and the impact they can have on us. If you know me, you know my heart and how much I love appreciate my people. Although this picture doesn’t include everyone in my circle, it’s with my person on day we spent with many of the people I ride for. The real ones we have around Muni Kids are the biggest blessing. Together we’re all building a community, that I don’t care who you are, you can fit in with and be yourself. Whether it’s urban golf, playing golf, chopping it up putting up smoke at the Neighborhood Golf Shop, or grabbing drinks in the evening… Our community is an inspiration to us. So when I look at this picture I can feel and see the blessings of what is going on around me. The inspiration level is at all time high amongst our team at Muni Kids and this we year are about to go off and establish a lane that is uniquely ours. It’s going to be fun, that’s all I’m gonna tell you right now because I’d rather show you. It’s a blessing to be apart of all your lives and have you in mine. Thank you for being so inspiring and yourselves.
w/ love for the game,
Recently I’ve seen a lot of contrasting opinions about the state of the culture of golf and whether the casual shift is actually a positive thing for the game. It’s had me in my thoughts and feels as I have read and seen some real negative things about the growth of the sport. I’m human… Some of these things hurt for sure, especially being on the side of pushing the game to people in alternative ways and a much more urban/street alternative to traditional golf fashion. Just like I have to remind myself sometimes, we all need to take a step back sometimes and remember… We’re all human and are entitled to our own opinions and have the ability to do and be whoever our authentic selves are. The one thing we can all do to honor golf is to allow people to be and represent whatever turns their cranks as long as it’s out of a love for the game. Whether you identify as a gentleman or gentlewoman, a golf bro, or even a muni kid, all I hope is golf brings you happiness as it does me.
w/ love for the game,

Today Mac Miller should have turned 30. I have so much gratitude and appreciation for him as a creative and the person he was to everyone he came in contact with. In my darkest or loneliest hours, Mac’s truths and understanding of life have guided me through and helped motivate me to keep pushing for better.
When it comes to work life, his music has motivated me and his work ethic and connection to people have inspired me to be the best I can be and to build an authentic brand that I am proud of.
So many of us deal with personal demons and feel so alone with them. Being a deep thinker myself, sometimes it can be both a super power and scary as fuck when you’re down. I’m so thankful for his deep thinking truths and the strength to share them in his music. Life can be so fucking hard sometimes but I’m thankful that all I’ve had to do throw my AirPods in to not feel so alone at times. It’s comforting to know someone out there was battling similar thoughts and feelings and I’m forever grateful that you were there for me without even knowing it. It breaks my heart that his demons got the best of him in the end.
Happy Bday Mac. I’m gonna pour a drink and roll one up for you. You still mean so much too so many of us.
Yesterday the fashion/design industry took a crushing blow with the news of Virgil Abloh passing away after his battle with a rare aggressive form of cancer. Spending the last 24 hours reading all the tributes on instagram and seeing all the pics and texts, you can only begin to understand what an influential human we just lost. I never personally crossed paths with him but always have had an immense respect for his work as a designer and artist. He broke down doors and barriers and showed us all anything is possible with hard work and a huge heart.

One of the things I read yesterday about him was a snippet from an interview with Bobby Hundreds of the The Hundreds. Bobby asked him whether he considered his work “streetwear” and if so, how would he define it? Virgil responded, “100% yes I consider my work ‘streetwear’ or any categorization that allows anyone to grasp my point of view and where it comes from. ‘Streetwear’ is an art movement, it’s a way of making things, it’s a rationale birthed by previous art movements and pop-culture life cycles.”
As someone who identifies my work and brand as ‘streetwear’ I don’t think I’ve read a better point of view.
We lost one of the greatest. Thank you Virgil for your genius and passion. So many people have been set free thanks to your presence.
What's goodie with the Muni Kids fam today!? Today is a big one for us as we dropped our Fall Collection Delivery #2 this morning at munikids.com and the Neighborhood Golf Shop. This drop is gonna go crazy!
We dropped 4 Headcovers today that we are very proud of. The first being the PGA DROPOUT HEADCOVERS, which are available in Driver & Fairways only. It's our spin on the College Dropout album. I personally am a PGA Dropout so we had Drew turn the bear into me with my tattoos and style. I guess it's a good thing I followed my dreams! We also dropped a new colorway of our classic Bogeys Suck "Old E" Headcovers. This time we opted for the fan favorite Carhartt brown canvas fabric with our old e graphic embroidered front and center. These are also available in Drivers and Fairways only! For the final two headcovers of Delivery #2 we pulled out some fabrics from the past and made the Lemon Pepper Chenille and Sativa Chenille into Putter Headcovers for the first time. The feel of these two covers are incredible and will remind you of grandma's old couch! Both putter headcovers are available in our three sizes... Standard, Midsize, and Oversize!
The largest part of Delivery #2 is the nine new hats we dropped this morning. It's been a second since we've had this many hats available but we are finally coming into our own with our new embroidery machine! We have 4 nylon golf hats that all have a ton of color pop to them. All of them feature an unstructured flat-bill design that you can rock flat or curved and feature a plastic clasp strapback. Make sure to peep the Flavors Golf Hat, Bogeys Yuck Golf Hat, Sprinkles Golf Hat, and the Everywhere (Lavender) Golf Hat at munikids.com! We also dropped a new Bar Logo Golf Strapback Hat in a faded navy colorway. This hat will be a must for the denim lovers out there. Our classic Muni Kids Dad Hats see two new colorways in Delivery #2. The Muni Kids Dad Hat (Black/Gold) draws inspiration from OVO squad and trust it turned out hard! The Muni Kids Dad Hat (White/Red) is real clean with a classic white hat and the Muni Kids logo embroidered in our favorite color, that birdie red! The final two hats in the drop are my favorites. We wanted to drop some structured baseball caps and went with the retro little league style hats. With inspiration of the A's in mind, we made the Everywhere Big League Golf Hat. The MK Big League Golf Hat pays homage to our Pacific NW roots and is our flip on the throwback Mariners lid!
The final piece of our Fall Collection Delivery #2 is the Bogeys Yuck T-Shirt. We have a distaste for Bogeys around here and if you feel the same way you should give the Neighborhood Golf Shop a call at (503)-265-8520 and we'll teach you how to make more birdies!
The morning has been off to a great start and I want to shoutout everyone who has already copped an item or two from Delivery #2! It's because of y'all that we get to live out our creative dreams and present you guys with something unlike anything else that is being put on the market... Real Golf Streetwear! I'm going to get back to work fulfilling your orders and keep it pushing! Can't wait to share Delivery #3 with you guys in the next couple weeks. We're just get started!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,

My favorite part about the Urban Golf Meetups this time of year is that we finish the final few holes in the dark. It makes for incredible photos of the homies. Some of the photos from this year are already some of my favorites I've ever taken. We only have a couple meetups left this season and I hope to see all the fam and some new faces! Urban Golf Costume Meetup is on October 28th. We'll have prizes for the best costumes and more!
Hope to see you in the streets soon!
- munimax
Last night Mac Miller's fam dropped a short film about the making of the album Faces for it's official re-release on all platforms. If you know me, you know what Mac is to me and Faces is everything if you love Mac.
Not studio driven and incredibly honest about where he was at the time. The importance of expressing how you feel through creativity is a sanctuary when you are down or even up for that matter because it might be the only way you can talk about it or vent those feelings. I encourage everyone to check out the short film and all the newly released visuals for the individual songs.
Whether you are up or down, keep creating and share your truths with others and the world.
- munimax
Yo yo! Muni Kids Melee Open Best Ball Tournament is gonna be lit! This is your shot to take Drew and I down ;) but you're gonna have to bring your A+ game! We're nice on grass but invincible on the street course!
Sign up today! CLICK HERE
- munimax
Happy Monday yo! Mondays are always my favorite day of the week because it's a fresh start and a chance to refocus your energy towards achieving your goals and chasing your dreams. My Monday is going to be filled with fulfilling all your Fall Delivery #1 orders! We can't thank you enough for supporting our hustle! Also, we have a little special edition pack dropping this afternoon... So be on the lookout. For now though, I'm going to get back to the shipping grind and bump my MAC MILLER playlist like I do every Monday. Appreciate y'all! Get out there and chase those dreams down this week.
- munimax
What’s good y’all!? Today is an exciting day! We kicked off the Fall Collection with Delivery #1 at munikids.com and the Neighborhood Golf Shop. This delivery of gear is one of our best yet.
We dropped three t-shirts, one being the PGA Dropout T-Shirt, which was a concept I came up with based off being a PGA dropout myself haha and obviously the Kanye College Dropout Bear was a perfect for it! Drew killed the art per usual and it’s easily my favorite t-shirt we’ve ever dropped. The Honest Criminals T-Shirt is just our FU to the golf industry and identifying with the charming criminals from our childhood. It really makes you question who the bad guys really are! The last of the t-shirts to drop this week is the Neighborhood Golf Course T-Shirt which showcases the map of the street course we host the Urban Golf Meetups on by the Neighborhood Golf Shop. Many memories have already been made out there and I can only imagine all the fun growing the game we’re going to have out there in the future! This t-shirt is a must for anyone who’s ever come out and joined the gang out on the street course.
We dropped 4 beanies this week and they’re the best quality beanies available on the golf market, don’t @ me… We searched high and low for the best beanie we could find wanting it to be a consistent staple in our Spring and Fall Collections for years to come. Amazingly enough they were right under our noses here in Portland! You can fold them, roll them, stretch them, wash them, and never have a doubt that it will look good on you and stand the test of time. Our beanies are one of our best product offerings I promise you!
It doesn’t seem like Covid is going anywhere anytime soon, so this fall we decided it was time to offer a couple different masks to keep you and others safe and healthy.
We stand strong on the fact that we are the HEADCOVER KINGS (AND QUEENS) here at Muni Kids and we didn’t disappoint this fall with our first 5 offerings. The Smiley Face Headcovers have been in talks for awhile and the timing finally felt right to release it. Everyone should smile more for real! You’re playing golf you crazies! Our Burn Heaters Headcovers pay homage to the fact that whether you’re into to it or not, there isn’t a muni anywhere in the world that you won’t find someone chain smoking on every tee box. It’s part of the culture! The Monstera Headcovers hopefully bring the same life to your game that your houseplants bring to your space. They turned out so dope! Every season we try to find fitting fabrics that are only offered during the season and this fall we hit gold with the Serape and Jorongo Headcovers. These things feel and look like your favorite fall blanket and will spice any golf bag up. Believe that!
The final two pieces of Delivery #1 are 18”x24” Poster Prints of both our PGA Dropout and Honest Criminals graphics. I’ve already hung both of these up on my walls and I’m not even playing… They look on point! But everyone should have some of Drew’s art up on their walls if you ask me. He’s blowing up as an artist and we’re lucky to have him as an illustrator within the Muni Kids fam!
Lastly I’d like to shoutout everyone who has already placed an order and send some love to all of you out there that identify with Muni Kids! Because of all you we get to live our dream out every damn day and we’re all incredibly thankful for that. The Fall is just getting started so stay tuned for all the heat we’re going to be dropping. Next up on Monday October 4th, we’ll be launching our “Art Is What You Can Get Away With” Pack inspired by some of our favorite works of the late Andy Warhol followed by Fall Delivery #2 the next week. Stay tuned!
Yours truly and bogey free,
- munimax
Monday we are excited to launch our "Art Is What You Can Get Away With" Pack! The Pack is inspired by the works of the late Andy Warhol and will consist of 3 different headcovers available in Drivers and Fairways only! Don't want to give any early looks away but here's a little preview of something you can expect!
PS! Be on the lookout for Fall Delivery 1 tomorrow!
- munimax
Whats good y’all? It’s been a second! I wanted to drop in and give you guys a little update on what’s up in the coming weeks.
We’ve been working our asses off on our Fall Collection and I’m excited to announce that Delivery 1 will be dropping at 8:00 AM PST on Thursday 9/30. The collection will come in multiple deliveries and is our best body of work yet in my opinion. In my mind this will be our coming out party, establishing ourselves as a powerhouse in the independent golf brand space. For a while we’ve known in our hearts that no one does golf streetwear better than us and you will see that in this collection. The concepts are clever, the art is on point, and we have created it all in house. What’s more streetwear than that?

On October 4th we will be dropping an Andy Warhol Tribute Pack that will consists of 3 different headcovers available in Drivers and Fairways. Warhol is one of my favorite artists/creators of all time for his wide range of work including both painting and photography. This project was fun to put together and will be nice follow up to our Paint The Stars Pack from earlier this year. Be on the lookout for images surfacing this weekend!
The Urban Golf season is coming to an end and what a fun year it’s been. Every year seems to find a way to get even better and better. So many new friendships and relationships were built. People fell in love with golf in general because of street golf. I even met my girlfriend on the Neighborhood Golf Course! It’s been an amazing season in all ways. Of all the things the brand does… Whether it be dope products, giving golf lessons, designing, art, or photography, urban golf is the most fulfilling thing we offer. Sharing our love for the game with our community and tourists for FREE is everything. We’re going to take this week off to launch the collection and then will be back on every Thursday through the month of October. The last meetup of the year will be October 28th and will be our Inaugural Costume Party! Make sure to mark that night down on your calendar and wear your best costume. We’ll have a DJ spinning, pizza from the homies at Neighborhood Pizza PDX, and plenty of giveaways. We saved the best for last!
As you can read, we have a lot coming your way this Fall. We are working on the first ever golf tournament on both grass and the street for early November with the fam at Wildwood and Killarney West, so stay tuned for more details as they become available. Thank you all for all the support and love y’all offer us and make it possible for us to live our dream. We can never thank you enough. Stay up and remember dreams don’t chase themselves!
- munimax
Stay safe out there!
What’s going on everyone!? I hope that your Monday morning is off to a busy and productive start. I mean, dreams don’t chase themselves right!? This week I encourage to really embrace the positive things you have going in your life. So often we take our day to day happiness in complete stride because we are feeling good and don’t understand how good we have it. Life can change in a single moment, at the snap of the fingers, everything you know can change. Enjoy the good times because nothing last forevers. You have to be able to build off the good times so you can bounce back when things go sideways.
I hope all the west coast homies are staying safe and surviving the smoke!
Have a great rest of your week. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Sorry that the monologue has been pretty quiet of late. I'm going to try and get started working on it daily again this week! We've had to much cool stuff going on with getting weed deliveries dialed in with Weedmaps and our fam down the street Broadway Cannabis Market for Urban Golf on Thursdays! We also recently launched our new Tuesday Meetup in Chinatown with homies from Laundry which is really exciting. I promise I'll get back to writing this week because there is too much stuff to tell y'all about! In the meanwhile... Have a great weekend and tap into this new Big Sean album. It hits just right!
Talk to you soon!
Mondays I'm usually spitting positivity at y'all but sometimes things just aren't going right in our lives and we can't always see our inner light. I hope everyone has a positive week and that you take steps towards your goals and/or personal growths. I read a simple poem by Charles Bukowski this morning that I would like to share with anyone who may need to read it...

Have a great week!
"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."
- F. Scott Fitzgerald
Neighborhood Golf Shop vibe for the rest of the week. We'll be open 11am-6pm Thursday-Saturday and 11am-5pm on Sunday! Pull up.
Oh and basketball is back!
Happy Thursday!
Tonight is Urban Golf Meetup night aka the best night of the week. This will officially be the fourth one we’ve hosted since the covid-19 outbreak in March. It’s been so exciting to get it back up and going because now more than ever, we realize how important it is. It’s a safe and responsible way to social distance but still get to interact and meet new people. Every week there has been new masked faces and friendships being built. Not to mention it’s free! I mean what’s free anymore right?
If you have been teeter-tottering on whether or not to come try it out… I encourage you to do so tonight! I don’t expect anything but the good vibes and friendships to grow with tonight’s meetup. It’s really a stress and judgement free environment.

We provide the clubs and golf balls so all you need to bring is yourself and your mask for everyone’s safety!
The Neighborhood Golf Course is in perfect condition right now.
We look forward to seeing you on the #1 Tee!
COMPASSION (Noun) : Sympathetic consciousness of others’ distress together with a desire to alleviate it.

So much heavy shit is going down in the world, in people’s lives, and in our own lives.
It’s humpday and I want to give everyone a mid-week reminder to be compassionate with one and other. You don’t know what someone dealing with or how they’re feeling unless you can walk in their shoes. It can pertain to anything but someone you know is going through something and your love and support could make the difference in their day. Make a conscience effort to show some compassion today.
Yo yo! I hope everyone's week is off to a great start! As many of you know, photography is one of my favorite creative outlets. Luckily with running our brand I get to take a lot of pics but like I said, it's my favorite creative outlet so you'll never catch me without a camera on. Here are some photos I curated to share out of my camera roll that are just outtakes of our lives this past month! All the photos were shot with either my Fuji XT-20, Pentax Spotmatic, and iPhone. Enjoy!

Neighborhood Golf Shop Vibes.

Finally picked up Circles on vinyl!

Neighborhood E.

Our line's been hot!

We painted Drip Arnie up on the Neighborhood Golf Shop!
Checked in at Spirit 77 for a nightcap.
Fuck racism. BLM.
If you haven't noticed... I'm obsessed with basketballs.
Ain't nothin' but a brand name.

Got my Mac tattoo from the homie and legend @jonnybombtats
Home workspace.
The Neighborhood Golf Pro.
The day 1 homie, Fatpro. Follow his new business venture here in PDX @fatproswoodfirepizza
I hope you guys enjoyed a peek of my camera roll from the past month! Stay safe, healthy, and inspired!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
It’s been almost a month since we dropped our Mac Pack in tribute of the late musician, Mac Miller. I was hoping to write something on my monologue sooner but honestly this has been tough for me to piece together the words that a bunch of people who don’t really know me would understand. I can’t explain what Mac Miller has meant to me and do it justice. We all have famous people who we look up to creatively that we can feel a connection too. Almost like we can relate to them on a deeper level. Mac’s strive to progress and improve his craft is what initially drew me to him but it was his ups and downs in life and emotions that made me appreciate and connect with him. I can hear myself in his music, the happiness and the sadness. I can hear different stages in my life when I revisit past albums, it’s apart of me and who I am. His death has been the hardest death I’ve had to deal with as an adult, I know that I couldn’t have done anything as a fan to prevent it, but it makes me think about how we all need to be a little more aware of what the people we love around us are dealing with. If your homie seems sad, depressed, or abusing drugs and/or alcohol, there is definetly a problem and they're looking for help in one way or another. It’s scary when you revisit his catalogue and realize so many times he was calling out for help because he was feeling broken. Nobody should have to go through the darkness in life by themselves. If you do anything after reading this, please check in with someone you are worried about because they probably need you more than you know.

The Mac Pack and this past month has been my favorite drop in the history of Muni Kids. We’ve spent hours in our studio this month listening to Mac’s albums, making clothes and headcovers. That's why we decided to go with a tribute to K.I.D.S. on the t-shirt and tribute to the single "Good Evening" on the headcover. We drew inspiration from the beginning and end. We spent countless hours and days debating our favorite songs and albums and telling stories of memories the songs bring back. I’ve even teared up a couple times reading your guy’s messages about the significance of the project to you or stories about why Mac was important to you. It connects us. I even ended the month by getting Mac Miller’s final portrait tattooed on my arm so I can carry his memory around with me everyday. Muni Kids wouldn’t be what it is or where it is without the inspiration and influence of Mac Miller.

I miss you.
Today. Was. A. Weird. Day.

Stay creative my friends!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Yo yo! What’s good? It’s been a second since I’ve hopped on my monologue and updated it. I was feeling like I needed to take a break and make sure that I continue bringing you quality content and thoughts. During these strange times it’s so hard to feel like yourself and now some of my concerns have been on how to hop right back in the saddle of our crazy normal lives if the state’s start opening up soon. It’s so difficult to find balance when you don’t know what the fuck is going on. I’m scared that it will hurt our business if we do not open soon and I’m scared that it will hurt people if things open up too soon. It feels hopeless at times. I’m sure everyone is feeling that in their own ways. One of the things I’ve been focusing on or at least trying to, is being mentally healthy and balanced when we do get the go ahead to open the shop back up and get back to what we do best, growing the game. This past week I’ve soul searched and realized for me, in order to regain my balance, I needed to spend some time in mother nature. I haven’t been writing the monologue and instead have been trying to spend as much of my free time out hiking and taking pictures as I can. This is and has always been my remedy for finding myself during difficult times. I just wanted to give y’all an update of what I’ve been doing while the monologue has gone quiet. I figured what better day to hop back on than Earth Day. Make sure to practice social distancing but get outside if you are feeling off. Go on a hike. Go on a walk. Go golfing if your state allows it! But get outside if you’re feeling lost, maybe it will help you find your balance again before we hit the ground running back towards some form of normal.

P.S. I hope everyone had a great 4/20 if you celebrate that! Check out my Neighborhood Golf Dealer 4/20 Edition Playlist. It’s fire haha!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Today I thought I would share one of my favorite quotes I stumbled upon last year and wrote it on the bulletin board in the back office as a daily reminder that through creating and design we can shift the culture of golf into a new direction inclusive to everyone.

Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Today is day 28 of quarantine and it’s also my favorite day of the week, MONDAY.
I love Mondays because it’s always feels like a fresh start, a new beginning, and the start to a week fueled by creativity and a new cycle of kicking it with all the homies. Even though we are being forced to stay at home as much as possible, we are still free to create and FaceTime or message our friends and fam. So I’m going to keep it short and sweet today… Hit up your friends or family today and see how they’re holding up and find some inspiration that gets your creative juices flowing. It’s Monday. It’s a fresh start.
Here's one of my favorite creative inspirations and paintings!

The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh // June 1889
Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Today is Day 1 of a refocus of my energy. You gotta start somewhere right? Covid-19 and quarantining have had me all over the place emotionally feeling super unbalanced. Some days I’m all gucci and some days I just feel like laying in bed until the day ends so we can move on to another weird day the next. I apologize to those who have looked to the monologue as a bright part of the day for having a lack of interest in writing it yesterday. I was down in the dumps locked in on all things negative that have to do with this. Today it’s time to get back in the routine of happiness and productivity, even if it’s not the routine I’m accustomed to. The other day Drake posted the first pic online of his little boy with a caption about what we are all dealing with and I’m sure, struggling with. I thought it was super on point when I read it the first time but revisiting it this morning, it was exactly what I needed to hear. I thought I would share it with you…

We all need to tap into our inner light right now, I know I definitely do. It’s a choice and we manifest the things we are focused on. It's something I already know as I have manifested plenty of the goals and things I wanted to do over the years. It’s all a choice. Today instead of spending my afternoon watching Netflix or feeling bad for myself I am going to create a vision board reminding me of the things I want/wanted to achieve this year. I think the biggest struggle I’ve been having is that we don’t have a date for when life gets back to normal, so it’s hard to plot and plan things. We don’t know if shit will be back to normal next week or in 8 months. That's what I think eats at me the most. I want a vision board so anytime I’m feeling down, anxious, or negative, I have a visual to look at and remind myself to connect to my inner light. Remind myself of the things that bring me joy, areas I’d like to grow, and the goals I still plan to achieve. Just because there isn’t a timetable doesn’t mean that those things aren’t still going to happen and aren’t important to me. I’m going to do a better job today of tapping into my own light, I have a lot to be thankful for and to look forward too. My future is bright and it’s in my control. I’m going to search for inner peace in that. So today if you are feeling down, make yourself a vision board to help you refocus your mind. I’m making a digital one on Pinterest that I can look at when I’m on the go and physical one for my bedroom that I can look at whenever I need a rebalance. Now more than ever, we all need to find our inner light.
Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
It’s been 25 days since we officially had to shut down the shop and have been bunkering in at home. Just not feeling the monologue today. Im sorry, but I’ll at least leave you with a picture to get you excited about the future when we get to reopen the Neighborhood Golf Shop.

Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Well today feels like the 500th day of quarantine.
I know it’s only been a little over a couple weeks but we are starting to see the havoc this thing is wrecking on the world. People are sick. People are dying. Businesses are going under. It’s so hard to fucking stay positive at times.
I was devastated this week with the news of homie Garret’s putter company Geom, having to shut down operations for the foreseeable future. I teared up with the learning of the news. I hate to see anyone be forced to put their dreams on hold or move on from them. Especially due to something out of their control. Garret if you are reading this up there in Canada, I’m so sorry this happen to you from the bottom of my heart, you didn’t deserve this and when the world makes a comeback I hope Geom Putters comes back right along side it.
I’ve been pondering the past few hours what to write about today on my monologue that could bring positivity to the world and not be a downer. Somedays you just aren’t feeling it, you know? It doesn’t help that everything in the world looks so foreign to what we are used to… It’s tough to find inspiration in a space you can’t fully comprehend. So with that being said, I thought today I would touch on a topic that I seem to be getting hit up about more and more these days. How to start a brand.
When I first started Muni Kids I really had no idea what I was doing. I think that’s how most adventures start in life, that’s why it’s called the beginning. Expert status at a craft takes years to achieve. Once you master one part, a whole new challenge reveals itself. Still to this day, over 5 years in, I am by no means an expert. I remember being in the shoes of a lot of you who have reached out the years trying to figure out the blueprint to how it all works. I reached out to so many brands in the industry when I was first getting started and remembered feeling so discouraged when nobody really offered any guidance or help. I remember Linksoul being one of the few brands who actually offered me some insight and I have never forgot how much that meant to me. Outside of the golf industry, I found way more success receiving insight from streetwear brands because at the end of the day I wasn’t entirely going to be in their lane. I hated on a lot of the golf brands that ghosted me in those early years for a longtime but at the same time, I understand the competition side of the business much better now and there are some things that you just can’t share with everyone and that’s ok for both sides. Still I’ve always reminded myself that I would help others if I could. You have to remember that everything that makes it over time is authentic and therefore cannot be recreated or duplicated. Everyone has their own blueprint. Our blueprint is weird af because part of the beauty of Muni Kids is we don’t follow the golf industries traditional blueprint at all. We are trying to shift the culture therefore we have to walk down a different path than most. That’s what makes Muni Kids what it is. The advice I’d like to offer anyone who is thinking about chasing their dreams of starting a golf brand or any kind of brand, is… When asking for advice or insight, be specific about what you’d like to know and you are way more likely to get an answer or at least a response back. I know this from being the person asking for insight to becoming the person being asked for insight. You may not get the answer you’d like to hear but you will probably get a response. Brands are generally much smaller employee wise than you’d imagine and there isn’t much free time if you are really on your grind, so be specific! Often, I’ll get messages or emails from people I don’t really know wanting to hop on the phone and pick my mind and things just get to busy that I don’t ever really have time to hit them up without knowing what they even want to pick my mind about. I feel bad but that’s just the nature of running a business. Whenever someone emails me a specific question or questions, it’s much easier for me to offer my insight in a timely matter and if it’s a question that I can’t really answer for you, I’ll at least let you know I can’t!
So while we are in quarantine and I have a lot more free time on my hands… Feel free to shoot me an email (max@munikids.com) with any questions you may have in following your own dreams. I’m not going to give you the full Muni Kids blueprint but I will answer your questions the best that I can! Just remember when you are thinking about what to ask, keep your own authenticity in mind because if you want your brand to make it someday, it’s gotta be 100% true to you.
I hope that you found some value in today’s monologue. I’m sorry it wasn’t the most upbeat post, but somedays just don’t vibe that way. I’m going to get to my grind and search for some beauty within today, I hope you find some too.
Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Be yourself. Golf needs you to be yourself.
One of the hardest thing to be 100% of the time is yourself. If you’re thinking you are, you’re probably lying to yourself a little bit. We are all insecure at times and crave being liked and accepting by our peers. It’s part of being a human being. I’ve always taken pride in that most of the time I’ve been able to be myself, even if it meant walking down a path that wasn’t the norm. Especially being a golfer, I’ve never seemed to fit in because I was just different. One of things that makes Muni Kids great is that it’s always been authentic to me. If you’ve followed along over the years you’ve seen the different shifts as I grew into myself. Nothing or no one stays the same forever, if you’re not progressing, you’re standing still. But I’ve always taken pride in authenticity of Muni Kids. No one can ever take that away.
In 2019, I met my homie Christian LaMontagne early in the year when we first moved to Portland and opened the shop. He came through the shop and showed hella love and copped some the pastel hats we were slinging at the time. As I was talking to him, I remember thinking how big of personality this dude had. The way he walked, the way he talked, just the way he carried himself in general. It was like talking to a superstar. He’s from the East Coast, you wouldn’t be able to tell he’d been living west for awhile, neck full of chains, and a vocabulary/lingo that is almost unexplainable. When I asked what he did in Portland, he was creatively all over the map. He’s a sick photographer/videographer, designer hired by some of the biggest labels out here in Portland… you can use your imagination on that (cough cough nike). When he left I looked him up and followed him on instagram like I do most people who come through the shop for the first time. I remember telling Drew that day that I hope that he’s always that big of a personality, those are the type of people who intrigue me. Through following him on instagram and getting to become homies with him, he has become one of biggest inspirations/influences and I thank him for that like once a week I swear! Watching his stories and seeing his post are always the highlight of my day when I have time to scroll through instagram. He is the first person I’ve ever met in real life that is authentically himself 100% of the time. His instagram brings me joy because he’s creative as fuck on top of his authenticity. Through studying and watching him, he has inspired me to leave nothing on the table and not be afraid of ever being judged for being me and keeping shit 100. In the past year since I met him he’s even evolved and found himself going down an entirely new career path as a screenwriter. He pushed a show through to one of the large streaming networks about his story and where he grew up. He lived it up as a VIP at Sundance. He’s showed me through example that creatively you can do anything as long as you stay true to who you are. I even recently found out that he had some rap videos floating around on the internet from the past and when I looked them up… even that shit was fire. I wanted to share about my friendship with him because it’s important to me. We are both busy af a lot of the time and don’t get to kick it as much as we’d like but he goes out his way to build me up and show me love daily through messages and I try to do the same. He inspires me and like I talked about earlier in the monologue… real homies build each other up. His friendship and inspiration means everything to me and I know it’s real because he’s a real one. He’ll be one of the first homies I kick it with when we get out of quarantine!
The moral of this story is we should all strive to be like Christian, but our own versions. You can’t be him, he’s one of kind, but you can live authentically the way he does. You’ll be a much a happier person I promise you.
If you want to follow Christian on instagram CLICK HERE.

Be yourself. Golf needs you to be yourself. The world needs you to be yourself.
Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Finding peace in weird times.
These are weird times and they are only getting weirded for the foreseeable future from what I can tell. I thought today I would offer everyone some insight I’ve picked up from all the messages and conversations I’ve had since starting the monologue a few days ago. Be kind and understanding to everyones reaction to what is going on. It affects everyone so much differently. Some people are highly stressed out due to taking a financial hit of some kind, whether it’s losing their job or having to shut down their business. Some people are fortunate enough that they can work from home and it’s a blessing because they are being afforded extra time to spend with their family that they wouldn’t be able to do if everything was normal. Some people have families to spend it with. Some people are alone. Some people don’t know anyone affected by the virus. Some people are scared to death because someone important to them is battling it. Someone super important to me reminded me the other night, “At least we are going through this together.” The more and more people I talk to and hear their perspective of how they’re dealing with it, the more that statement has meaning to me. Remember to be kind and understanding, everyone is going through different shit, bad and good because of this.
“At least we’re going through this together”
I can find some peace in that, I hope you can too.
Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Yesterday evening I got an instagram dm from my homie “Big Mike” Baldeck. Every time I see that he messages me I always get excited! He’s either letting me know about one of his successes or learning experiences on his road towards chasing his dream of becoming a PGA Tour player or he’s sending me a message to inspire me when he can tell things are off with me or just feels like hyping me up and elevating my day. He never shies away from let me know that I am one of his inspirations but the fact of the matter is, the admiration is mutual. I met Mike when he was in high school, watched him go onto to play college golf, and now am one of the lucky few included in his inner circle as he chases his dreams. I’ve always been envious of his self belief, some mistake it for cockiness but they got it all twisted. He believes in his own greatness. We all have greatness in us, we just have to tap in to it. He builds me up and I build him up. That’s what real homies do. As we all are learning during this weird time in history and social distancing, life as we know it is precious. Everyday matters. Most of our normal ways of life have been stripped from us for the time being and who knows if it will ever really be the same again. Today I just want to remind how important it is to make sure you surround yourself with people who love and support you. Positivity is contagious! I’m lucky to have homies like Big Mike in my inner circle and in uncomfortable times, I’ve never appreciated that more. If your circle doesn’t build you up and elevate you, I suggest you use some of this time social distancing time to analyze that so you can make adjustments when you get to surround yourself with people again. There’s no time for negativity when you’re on a mission to achieve whatever it is you’re chasing. Dreams don’t chase themselves. Like Nipsey would tell you, it’s a MARATHON. All love Big Mike, I appreciate you.

Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Whether we want to admit it or not, we all have more free time on our hands. I’ve always had issues when time feels like it stands still. I like to go go go! Even with the mandatory stay home order in place we are still able to run our business online and fulfill orders, but it’s still crazy to me how much time there still is to kill during the day without visiting with customers and homies at the Neighborhood Golf Shop, having dinner and drinks out on the town, or just even shopping and running errands during the day. The days can feel like they drag on sometimes. One place I’ve found some peace has been having more time to dive into one of my favorite hobbies… READING. Reading has been one of my passions/hobbies as an adult. It helps me take my mind off the stresses of day to day life and to be honest, it’s probably one of the most key things to me when it comes to personal growth. Right now to keep myself entertained I’m actually reading 4 different books. Usually I read maybe 2 at a time, one fiction and one non-fiction but given the current world status, I’ve bumped it up a notch to avoid stressing myself out too much. If you are looking for a book to start, peep some of these… They’ve all been great so far!
1. This Is Not a T-Shirt, by Bobby Hundreds
Whether you are a brand owner, aspire to own a brand, a designer, or just a streetwear hypebeast… This is a must read. This Is Not a T-Shirt gives you a comprehensive view inside of one of streetwear’s greatest brands, The Hundreds, and all the ups and downs along the way. PEOPLE OVER PRODUCT. You’ll understand if you read it.
2. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, by F. Scott Fitzgerald
Many of you have probably seen the movie starring Brad Pitt but let’s face it, books are always better than movies! F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of my favorite authors and penned my favorite book of all-time, The Great Gatsby. That is my main reasoning for choosing to read this book! I’m half through and so far, so good. I’m glad I have this one in the mix right now.
3. A Fish Doesn’t Know It’s Wet, by Pharrell Williams
This is the second of what I like to call coffee table books by Pharrell. This book is filled with incredible artwork and photos of Pharrell’s different works within music, fashion, and design. Also the interviews/discussions he has with people he’s inspired by are absolutely fascinating! You can get lost in this book reading the interviews or just skimming through the pictures. Pharrell might be the most interesting human in the world.
4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck, by Mark Manson
I’ve read this book before but I felt like right now with our current situation, is the perfect time to revisit a book that helped me so much in the past. The title is pretty self explanatory! This book will help you grow as a human being. I promise!
Hopefully my list will inspire you to pick up a book, maybe one of these or something that you have been meaning to read. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. All the links to find these books will lead you to my favorite bookstore in the world, Powell’s City of Books. It happens to be right here in our backyard in Portland. They are struggling right now during Covid-19 crisis and need all the support they can get to keep the doors open when the world heals. They are offering FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $25 right now! If you can support them, please do but I understand if you have your own bookstore you need to give yo’ dollas to right now.
Stay home, stay safe, and tell the ones you love how important they are to you today. Catch y’all tomorrow!
Yours Truly & Bogey Free,
Today I woke up feeling inspired.
Yesterday when I decided to write the first post in my monologue, I had no idea what the response would be. Honestly, I was feeling so lost it was personal therapy for me to put down my thoughts. I was feeling uninspired and guilty about it. The hardest days when running a brand are when you’re feeling down and not really in the mood to put yourself out there. You think nobody wants to hear about the negative shit because there is way too much positivity out there to consume. I for real cried yesterday when writing the opening to my monologue. I’m an emotional person who goes through crazy highs and lows at times and that was hard for me to open myself up like that when I’m feeling scared and anxious not just from a business standpoint but as a human being in these uncertain times.
Thank you to all of you and your messages…. I don’t know if I’ve ever felt as inspired as I felt when I woke up this morning. I realized what a true blessing Muni Kids is not only to me but to all of you. All the messages on instagram and emails made me further understand it doesn’t matter what the current state the world is in, you can inspire and spread golf love even in the worst times. Every single one of you who went out of your way to send love and positivity our way reminded me how fortunate I am to wake up and do what I do every single day. Whether it’s from home or the Neighborhood Golf Shop, I’m blessed to be on the forefront of the shifting of golf towards being more inclusive for everyone. Y’all are my inspiration. People are amazing. Golf is amazing. Thank you. You guys uplifted me. That means everything!
Together I know we will all come out the other side of these uncertain times.
Today I thought I’d share a short list of some of the brands and people who have inspired me over the years. Some of these people I’ve been lucky enough to have had the opportunity to meet and some I have just studied and appreciated from afar. I could never list everyone or everything that has influenced me, but here are a few that I always come back to and continue to learn from
The Hundreds & Bobby Hundreds
The Hundreds has been my favorite thing in the world since the early 2000’s. So much of what Muni Kids is today is influenced by the blueprint of The Hundreds. Bobby Hundreds is my absolute creative hero. If I could spend an hour with anyone in the world picking their mind, it would be Bobby. If you haven’t heard of or ever really fucked with The Hundreds, I suggest you check it out. I wish I could discover it today for the first time and consume years of content from them. I start everyday at the thehundreds.com. It’s the homepage when I click my internet browser on. The blogs are my daily news and inspiration. I’m incredibly thankful that I found The Hundreds all those years ago, I wouldn’t be doing what I do if it wasn’t for Bobby and The Hundreds. THE HUNDREDS IS HUGE!
Nipsey Hussle
If you know me at all or follow Muni Kids closely… You know what Nipsey means to me. I’m a hip hop head and Nipsey has been my favorite since the mixtape days. But more important than the music, I have always been inspired by his entrepreneurial spirit. Seeing his blueprint of how he created his own path in business with his friends and family while making sure it all benefited his community was a true inspiration. To often we are driven to be bigger than we really need to be. True success is in changing lives for the better and it starts with the people right around you. Nipsey taught us all that and it’s something that I will never let myself lose sight of. Rest in Peace King.
Kyle Boydstun
My homie Kyle (Cuddie’s pops) inspires me maybe more than anyone in the real world. He gets up every morning early as fuck and works his contracting job for the union and then grinds late night on his side hustle and personal business, Supreme Drywall. Then to top it off he runs a golf tee brand called Calamari Airlines as passion project with some of his homies. I respect how hard he works everyday though his greatest achievement is his family. He’s an incredible father and husband while still taking the time to be one of the best friends Drew & I could ask for. He’s a true blessing to everyone lucky enough to be in his circle. He’s a real one. We could all be more like Kyle.
What hasn’t Pharrell done or capable of? From music, production, streetwear, luxury design, to writing books, it’s amazing if you really think about it. He has to be one of the most intriguing people who has ever existed and from what I can tell he seems like one of the most genuinely nice people alive. Who doesn’t find him inspiring? I’d love to hear why…